Ubidy’s New External APIs for Faster and Cheaper Recruitment

    • We are thrilled to announce a significant milestone in our journey at Ubidy: the launch of our external-facing API, which has now been tested out and fully integrated with SAP SuccessFactors. This advancement marks a pivotal moment for businesses seeking to streamline their recruitment processes and achieve faster, more cost-effective hiring outcomes.

      Faster Placements via our API

      Our new API integration with SAP SuccessFactors provides a seamless and robust connection between our recruitment agency marketplace and your existing HR systems. With this integration, companies can now effortlessly post job roles from SAP SuccessFactors directly to our platform. This eliminates the need for manual data entry, reduces the risk of errors, and significantly speeds up the hiring process. By leveraging the combined power of Ubidy’s technology and SAP SuccessFactors, businesses can focus on what truly matters: finding and hiring the best talent.

      Benefits of the Ubidy and SAP SuccessFactors Integration

      1. Speed and Efficiency: Our API integration enables real-time data transfer between SAP SuccessFactors and Ubidy. This ensures that job postings are updated instantly, allowing recruitment agencies to access and fill roles faster than ever before. In addition to this, you will benefit from the 4-5x faster speed to finding top quality candidates as outlined in our recent publication here.
      2. Cost Savings: By automating the job posting process, companies can reduce administrative overhead and minimize the time spent on recruitment. Our platform’s technology also helps identify the most cost-effective recruitment agencies, ensuring that businesses get the best value for their investment and it was recently scientifically demonstrated to lower recruitment costs by 12.5% as detailed here.
      3. Enhanced Reach: With a direct connection to our marketplace, companies gain access to a global network of recruitment agencies. This expanded reach increases the chances of finding the perfect candidate, no matter where they are located.

      Transforming Recruitment with Cutting-Edge Technology

      Ubidy’s goal has always been to revolutionize the recruitment process through innovation and technology. The exposure of the platform via external facing APIs and now the successful integration with SAP SuccessFactors is a testament to our commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions that empower businesses to achieve their hiring goals.

      This integration is more than just a technical enhancement; it represents a strategic advantage for companies looking to stay ahead in the competitive talent market. By combining the robust capabilities of SAP SuccessFactors with the specialized expertise of Ubidy, businesses can expect a more efficient, cost-effective, and successful recruitment process.

      Get Started Today

      We invite you to experience the transformative power of our new API integration with SAP SuccessFactors. Whether you are a small business or a large enterprise, Ubidy is here to support your recruitment needs and help you place roles faster and cheaper.

      To learn more about how our integration can benefit your organization, please visit our website or contact our support team.